60th Class Reunion Survey

Our 60 year reunion is getting closer, less than a year off.  The reunion committe would like to know if you would consider attending. [We aren't getting any younger...]

The venue is at the Coyote Hills Golf Course in Fullerton on March 27, 2025. It has been decided to have a Brunch from 10:30 AM to 2:30PM, allowing us to have an afternoon for leisure and to get to our homes or motels early....... before dark when driving gets a little more difficult. 

Ticket prices are still TBD based on costs, which are coming together and we should be able to let you know soon.

Stats from our 50th:

  • 75 people responded to attend (not counting some classmate spouses that did not reply). We were a 100+ {10 of those people have passed away)
  • our site has around 366 physical addresses from 2014. Sadly, there are 75 classmates "In Memory"
  • we only have 169 unfiltered email addresses (out of 500+ classmates)

So, please update your profile while you are here, and be sure to let other classmates know about the reunion and  about this site if they don't know.  Please, tell your friends to log into our site:


The minimum profile would include their email address; physical addresses also help.


You must be a member to submit this survey. If you are a member please log in first. You can't submit this form until you've logged in.

1)   Would you attend a 60th reunion

Yes No
2)   Please let us know how many tickets you will purchase